Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sausages, Soaps, and Sandals

      So my morning started at 3:30 am when I woke up from what I thought was a deep, relaxing sleep.  Unfortunately, it was just a pathetic tease to my jet lag.  The only positive thing about being up at that time was that I got to be the first to wish my daddy a happy birthday! It was only 8:30 pm in Mississippi, but in France my daddy rick had already turned 54 (but he doesn't look a day over 25!)
     After a delicious breakfast of homemade chocolate chip granola with vanilla yogurt (yes, I avoided the pastries. Saving those delicious treats for breakfast in Paris) we headed to a nearby town called Apt for their local market.  It was a beautifully chaotic mixture of sausages, soaps, and sandals.  You could literally find everything at this place!  A few hours of shopping later, the group headed out to a local landmark bridge to enjoy a nice picnic lunch next to the water.  My day is not yet over, but I feel like I've already had ten adventures.

~Peace & Cupcakes~

Sausage Stand
Soap Stand
Apt market place

Just posing for a typical tourist picture next to the ancient roman bridge!


Anonymous said...

Love the pics! So interesting. -Mama-

Anonymous said...

Did you try any of the sausages, just a bite. Did the soaps have a different scent than ours? SO love looking at the pictures, Kelsey. luv u....G'ma

Kelsey Maharrey said...

This vegetarian def. did not try any of the sausages! But my friends kept saying they were amazing!