Friday, June 24, 2011

My first day in Lacoste

The wonder of this small village cannot be described with words, and its beauty cannot be captured through photographs.  My first day here has been consumed with nerves and excitement as I prepare my mind and heart for an exciting 9 weeks of school.  I am so lucky to be sharing a beautiful building with 6 other amazing girls, but I am most excited about my small private room that I adoringly compare to Harry Potter's cupboard bedroom! The walls and floor are made of stone and there are beautiful round wooden beams on the ceiling.  I also have a precious little window that opens up to a breathtaking view.  I am truly thankful God allowed me to arrive here safe and sound, and I'm finally getting to start the summer of a lifetime.

~Peace & Cupcakes~

 Views from my window
 Rennard Upper's common room
 Views from Rennard Upper

 Neighbors :)
 My precious bedroom!
 Notice I have a small "passage way" from my bedroom to my neighbors!

 My door lock!
Le Marqui de Sade