Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bonnieux, baby!

Wow! What a day. Now I know what everyone’s talking about when they say France is a magical place! My day started out with a tour of Lacoste given by our wonderful Student Success Coordinator, Eleanor, who happens to be a graduate of Ole Miss AND SCAD. That’s my kind of girl. We got to see all of the SCAD owned buildings, learned where our classes will be held, and were shown some neat places to hang out around town. I also learned that 99.99% of all student accidents (i.e. broken legs, bleeding heads) are a result of too much wine. So, if anything bad like that happens to me, I’ll know I’m in that extremely unlucky .01%. 

After the tour and an amazing brunch of homemade chocolate chip granola, that I will most definitely be having every time it is served, a few close friends and I ventured up to the Marqui de Sode. We spent a long time up there acting like the typical loud and crazy American tourist that the French despise. I mean, since they already hated us from the beginning, we figured we might as well have fun and be loud! 

The highlight of my day was walking to our neighboring town, Bonnieux. If you are looking out onto the valley from Lacoste, Bonnieux can be seen directly across from the town. It looks like it is magically placed on the side of a mountain. It took us about two hours to walk over there, because we just had to stop at every interesting point along the way and explore! We were so excited when we reached the town though. After we walked to Bonnieux, explored it from top to bottom, and walked back to Lacoste, it equaled about an 8-mile journey. But I would absolutely do it every weekend! The highlights of the town were two churches. The locals explained to us that there was the “old church” and the “new church.” The new church is at the bottom of the town while the old church can be seen at the very tip-top of Bonnieux. After we explored the new church, one local said the new church really wasn’t really very old… it was built in 1870. Seems pretty old to this American! The old church was breathtaking, but I never found a sign saying how old it was. I can’t explain in words how much I loved Bonnieux. Now that is a place I could see myself spending the rest of my life in. 

C'est tout pour maintenant! 

~Peace & Cupcakes~

 Chateau fun

 Ventures to Bonnieux

New church

Coffee Ice Cream!

Antique Market

Old church

A distant lavender field

Jane's dream home

Cherry trees!
Snails perched on flowers!


Anonymous said...

Well, I like both the old and new church. 141 years doesn't sound new, it sounds like an genuine antique to us. I especially love the picture of the snails on the plants. You really should try esgarcot while you are there -- haha!
Keep those pictures and writings coming. Love you. -Mama-

Anonymous said...

Kelsey, your comments and pictures are amazing, it's such a unique and beautiful place. You haven't been there long, but already seem totally at home with the surroundings. Roger said it made him want to go there. LOL Will look forward to hearing about school. Take care.....Gracie

Anonymous said...

Just now figured out how to post a comment. Have enjoyed all the comments and pictures. Love, G'ma

Anonymous said...

Well now I have this down pat!!!!!!! I am just looking at the pictures over and over......I think I will hop on a plane and come over this week!!! ha ha Oh enjoy every second....this is such a wonderful opportunity!!!! Love u G'ma

Renee said...

Just now figured out how to post a comment. Have enjoyed all the comments and pictures. Love, G'ma

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