Thursday, June 9, 2011

Waiting and Wondering

My summer adventure will begin when I board the evening flight from Atlanta, GA on Thursday, June 23rd to the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, France.  From there I will head to the Marseille airport where I will arrive on Friday, June 24th around 12 in the afternoon.  The time zone difference will leave me approximately 7 hours of ahead of my family in Mississippi and 6 hours ahead of my friends in Georgia.  On Mondays and Wednesdays I will begin my first class at 9 am, which will last 3 hours.  I will have an hour break for lunch before my second class of the day which beings at 1 pm and lasts until 4 pm.  By the time I have finished what will surely be a long day in the classroom, it will only be 9 am in Mississippi.  I know we all have 24 hours in a day, and we get seven days in each week, but I like to think the new time zone puts me ahead of the game - like I am getting to experience the wonders of the day before the rest of the world.  But for now, I am just enjoying the quality time I have with my parents, sister, and my adorable niece.  I hope I do more than simply think about what this experience could be, and truly seize the summer for all its worth.

~Peace and Cupcakes~