Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

Today was a beautiful sunny day, the perfect day to officially start Lacoste 2011 summer quarter! After another delicious breakfast at 8 am, I trekked down the hill to my first class in Lacoste, Treasures of Provence. This art history class focuses on art of this region, which is Provence. The most exciting part was when I learned that for one of our field trips, our class will be going to visit the crypt of Saint Anne, the mother of the virgin Mary. 

The second best part of the day was lunch. Did I mention the SCAD Lacoste chef use to be a pastry chef? Well, he was, and he is EXTREMELY talented. I had the chance to preview the menu for the entire week, and tomorrow’s dessert for lunch is tiramisu and for dinner is crème brulee. I might possibly only eat dessert tomorrow because I have a really strong feeling they are going to be incredible. 

My second class was Introduction to Printmaking. We just spent the 3-hour class period going over techniques and getting adjusted to the studio equipment. After standing for 3 hours, I was nearly dead. So to pep myself up I went on a hike with a few friends. We trekked down a dirt road and ended up at an abandoned house that had a beautiful garden. I took so many pictures of the flowers, vegetables, and vegetation. I always find nature so inspiring. The details of the leaves, the bugs that take a break on the flower petals, and the colors of the plants just fuel an explosion of creativity for me. After about another 30-minute journey we ended up at a vineyard that looked too beautiful to be real. I really needed the hour and a half walk to wake me up and get me going again. I spent some time watching the sun set at a local café with some friends where we had girl talk at its finest. It was the perfect ending to my first day of classes.

~Peace & Cupcakes~

 Sights from our evening walk

 Little snail hiding in the flower

 Vegetable garden!

 My fabulous hat!


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear your first day of classes went well. The pictures are soooo pretty. After your post, I'm hungry for dessert!!!! Gracie

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a full day and I hope you are all tucked in and getting a good night's rest!!!! Again, I have so loved looking at all the pictures.....beautiful scenery and flowers, etc......please post pictures also of you!!!!!! need to see you!!!!!! When Ryan has time, we are going to try and figure out skype!!!!! hugs and luv sent your way!!!!!! G'ma

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of the flowers and the beautiful landscape! Love, love, love your hat!!!! I'm waiting for pictures of all this wonderful food!! Love you!!!