Thursday, July 7, 2011

"You're getting on Menerbes!"

       Our French Modernism class had the unique and interesting opportunity of touring the Dora Maar home in Menerbes, France.  This fabulous woman was the mistress and lover to the famous artist, Pablo Picasso.  They spent nearly ten years together as a couple, and she became the muse for some of his most famous paintings.  If you ever come across any of his pieces depicting women weeping, you are looking at Dora Maar.  Dating a painter of his status was not a first time experience for this lady.  She had definitely made her rounds when it came to surrealist artists.  She was even a photographer and was on the right track for making a name for herself in the art world; however, she lost her voice as an artist throughout the toxic relationship with Picasso.  When he decided to end their decade-long romance, he purchased Dora Maar a home in the village of Menerbes as kind of a parting gift.  He traded one of his paintings for the house and bid her farewell.  She had somewhat of a nervous breakdown when they ended their courtship, and spent a good bit of time at a mental institution.  She eventually returned to the Menerbes house and spent the rest of her days there.  When she passed away in 1997, the house was in extremely poor condition and did not have running water or electricity.  A will was never discovered after her death, and some people still believe that it was stolen.  As her assets and art collection were divided up and sold, the net worth of her estate reached approximately 17 million dollars.  Today, the home has been renovated into a working residence/studio space for three artists throughout the year, and continues to be an attention-grabber for the village of Menerbes. Although Picasso never lived in the home for an extended period of time, it was the coolest feeling knowing I was standing on the same exact steps as such an iconic artist. 

Ms. Dora Maar

View from her garden


 Preserved truffles at the truffle museum we visited


Anonymous said... interesting!!!!! loving all the photos!!!!!!
hope you are doing well!


Anonymous said... interesting!!!!! loving all the photos!!!!!!
hope you are doing well!


Anonymous said...

I can say that thats so awesome!,satnding in the same house, I couldn't imagine!!
Also you really know how to take photo's, its like I'm there! :)
