Monday, July 11, 2011

Festival de Craie sur Trottoir de Lacoste

I believe it’s impossible for anyone to not have a great day when friends, art, and good old fashioned sidewalk chalk all perfectly blend together for one event.  Today revolved around the 4th annual Festival de Craie sur Trottoir de Lacoste, the French equivalent to the Sidewalk Arts Festival held every year at SCAD-Savannah.  We had a small, yet amazing group of students come together to volunteer to coordinate this merry event.  All ages could participate, and the categories were divided as such: 6 and under, 7-12, teens, SCAD-students, and adults.  Each participant was assigned their own numbered square of sidewalk space, given a box of chalk, and told to let their artistic side run wild.  Some students started to really get creative and dive into their work, and some just wanted to be silly and create whatever their little hearts desired.  But, in all, the artwork produced during this event was simply incredible.  Participants were depicting everything from famous artwork to reptiles to local landmarks.  Some of these pieces were simply stunning, and to think they were all done with good old fashioned chalk.  My favorite piece was a SCAD-student’s reproduction of Van Gogh’s Night Café. I was honestly having the best time volunteering, taking photos, and running around with the Wolf Pack.  We ended up helping with several different aspects of the event from 10:30 AM to 5 PM.  There was the registration booth, SCAD-boutique booth, face painting, games, squaring off drawing spaces, and tallying votes.  I really enjoyed seeing if I truly inherited my Grandaddy's ability to sell ice to an eskimo.  Even when there was a language barrier, I was selling SCAD tee's and key chains left and right :) It would be an understatement to say that the sun had drained us of our energy by the time Eleanor was preparing to announce the winners.  For each category there were two winners for the “People’s Choice Awards,” where onlookers could vote for their favorite squares.  There was also a “Judge’s Choice” 1st and 2nd place award.  As I was preparing myself to shoot off a glitter gun with instructions that read WARNING: Glitter gun will have back-fire, I heard my name being announced for the 1st place Judge’s choice award.  My friends told me I reacted as if I had won the Miss America pageant.  I don't know if i've ever been so stunned!  I stopped hours ago trying to figure out why my little blob of colored concrete even won, and just accepted it as the icing on the perfect day in Lacoste.

~Peace & Cupcakes~

Amazing SCAD volunteers!
SCAD-Boutique booth

My awesome balloon hair accessory!

My girls did cupcakes! LES PETITES GATEAUX
Mallorie's awesome face paint!

^^^^^This one was my favorite! ^^^^^

^Won 1st place, People's Choice Award^

My momma always told me, "If you have the choice to sit it out or dance, dance."

I learned an important lesson today.  You honestly don't know what might happen if you just try.
Bag of goodies! I'm excited to use my Cafe de France gift card to take out the wolf pack out for ice cream!


Anonymous said...

WOW!! That day sounds truely amazing!, and Great Job on the first place, thats the way to do it!!
Proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you!!! The squares are all amazing. Looks like so much fun. Glad you danced!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW and WOW and WOW again!!!!!! I am SO SO SO proud of you honey bunch.... First Place.....congrats.........

I am in great anticipation to see each day's activities and photos!!!!

Love ya