Monday, July 25, 2011

Paris, Je t'aime!

My thoughts were consumed with all of the possibilities of Paris as the afternoon train sped us towards the famous city.  I was anxious about the upcoming week.  I felt certain I was going to either fall for all of the wonders of Paris, or detest every aspect of such a large city.  As I exited the intimidating train station, I was sure I had been lost in a dream as I strolled through the vibrant streets.  The city exceeded all of my expectations, and I ended up leaving a little chunk of my heart in this truly spectacular place. I loved Paris, and I believe the city loved me back.  I like to think I was a little piece of southern sunshine that fortuitously fit into the most beautiful city in the world.    
The greatest quality of Paris was constantly being surrounded by the grand architecture.  There was not one uninteresting inch of space; everywhere had character.  I would pass by the Notre Dame several times each day to and from the hotel, and my heart would flutter with excitement as if I was falling in love over and over again.  The priceless excursions through the streets ended up being my favorite parts of the week.  Simply trying to grasp the visual overload was an experience in itself.  I was amazed at how a city of its size had managed to create such a beautiful rhythm of buildings.  Each was unique to the other; yet all magically flowed together as if they were one.  As I navigated through the avenues of Paris, I would catch myself placing the future me in this marvelous place. I would completely take the city by storm and perfectly adapt to the intriguing culture.  I think that’s what makes traveling at a young age such an amazing opportunity.  It allowed my mind and heart to dream bigger than I ever thought possible.   
As I sit in the sunshine of Lacoste, not even 24 hours have passed since I was last in Paris, yet my heart aches as if its been years.  I spent every moment doing as much as I could, taking advantage of every experience as it arose.  I saw some of the highest-quality museums filled with the most famous artwork and visited lavish monuments.  I had dessert with every meal – sometimes even two.  I constantly surrounded myself with people I have grown to adore and our passion for the spectacular city grew with each day.  I lived out this adventure as if I would never be back; seizing the few precious moments I had in Paris.    

~Peace & Cupcakes~ 

What I actually did in Paris:
  • Harry Potter 7 Part 2 in French ~ Le Grand Rex (the largest theater screen in the world)
  • Musee d'Orsay
    • Saw famous works by Van Gogh, Cezanne, Degas, Courbet, Whistler, Daumier, and the breath-taking Rococo ballroom
  • Scaled the Eiffel Tower
  • Harry Potter 7 Part 2 in English
  • Arche de Triumphe
  • Luxembourg gardens
  • Musee du Louvre
    • Saw famous artwork such as The Raft of the Medusa, Mona Lisa, Seated Scribe, Venus de Milo, and Nike of Samothrace
  • Musee Europeenne de Photographie
  • Centre Pompidou
    • Arists including Chuck Close, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Matisse, Picasso, Braque, and Duchamp
  • Saint Chapelle
  • St. Michelle
  • Notre Dame tour and mass
  • Montmorency (highest point in Paris)
  • Sacre Coeur (church on the highest point in Paris)
  • Moulin Rouge
  • Versailles
  • Visited the estates of Marie Antoinette
  • Champ de Eslee (famous shopping district in Paris)
  • Pantheon
  • Marche aux Puces de St. Ouen (largest flea market in Paris, largest antique market in the world)
Notre Dame

Inside shot of the famous rose window. 
Close up of Notre Dame's doors.
Rex theater. 
Harry Potter 7.2 
Sticking it out in the rain for the d'Orsay museum.  
The Louvre. 
Under the pyramid.
Nike of Samothrace
In front of one of my favorite paintings, Raft of the Medusa
Close up of the artist's signature. 
Mona Lisa
Venus de Milo
Seated Scribe
Crown Jewels
Outside the Louvre

View from the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower
2nd floor Eiffel Tower.
My sister gave me an Eiffel Tower charm for my birthday a few months ago in honor of my trip to France!
View from the top!
Night time details of the tower.

Up the middle of the Eiffel Tower.

The Pompidou Museum 
Outside the Moulin Rouge.

 Highest point in Paris. 
Sacre Coure
Gates of Versailles  
Hall of Mirrors

In the gardens of Marie Antoinette's estate. 
 Marie Antoinette painting.  I have a print of this hanging in my house!
Marie Antoinette's bedroom at her private estate behind Versailles. 

Marie's "Temple of Love" 

Gardens of Versailles
 Arc de Triomphe

 Details of the Arche.
Event going on at the Arche.
Simply strolling through the streets of Pari!

 Locks along the fences by the river.

 Giraffes always make me think of my niece Nora!
The Pantheon
 Cupcakes in Paris!
Our favorite crepe stand!
Nutella, banana, and sugar crepe.
 My cheese plate! BEST thing I ate in Paris.
 Pizzeria for lunch.
Apple tart and vanilla bean ice cream.
FRENCH fries and Magnum Mcflurry.
 Stuffed chocolate pastry. 
Endless tarts<3


Anonymous said...

Just simply Amazing!!, no words can discribe how great that trip looked!, and awesome pictures by the way!
I bet it was unbeleiveable experience!!!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kelsey!1!1 You are definitely a writer so will be looking for your book!!!!!

I am SO SO enjoying all your writings and photos!!!!! Absolutely wonderful.

So glad you had a great week in Paris.....

I am very busy getting ready for the showers and you will be so very much missed!!!

Take care and many hugs sent your way.
God Bless you

Anonymous said...

Love love all your pictures and your description of your week!!! So glad it lived up to the Summer of a Lifetime!! Please keep writing about it so we can know more! Love you!!!

muhnmae said...

so lucky kels, things you only see in textbooks. hope you're having a blast!
