Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mosaic Artist - July 28, 2011

         Only five days have passed since I departed from my beloved Paris, and I was not sure whether I could survive such a great loss.  This lazy week in Lacoste has been dedicated to reverting our minds back to small-town living.  We have traded the brilliantly bold lights of the city for the dimly lit ruins of Lacoste.  Gone is my overly eager tourist enthusiasm and my softened Lacostian attitude has once again risen to the surface.   
            Today I had the great privilege of surrounding myself with the work of a truly talented artist.  Jean Pierre has been working for SCAD as they continue their focus on historic preservation in Lacoste.  This man has had ties with this precious place long before my college found its home here.  Thirty students once again loaded up in the sketchy white minivans and headed out towards Casaneuve.  A thick white fog sat low on the valley and had devoured the typical portrait of lush green hills.  Beams of light piercing through the clouds became our tour guide through the countryside.  
Upon arrival, we jammed ourselves around Jean Pierre’s worktable in his quaint private studio.  He allowed us to gaze among the breathtaking mosaics that have become the passions of his life.  Working upside down, he delicately places each tiny square of color that has been chiseled by hand into a composition of vividly wild artwork.  The technique is almost as beautiful as the final product.    He has become famous for excavating stone from around the area, some dating back to the 1st century, and recycling them into materials for his tables.  He proudly showed off a dingy chunk of old rock that had the preserved finger swipes of its original creator still intact.  Jean Pierre stated, “It is important to use materials that have had a life.” Those simple words alone would not quit replaying in my mind.  At that moment I felt a type of artistic connection with a person whom I had not known for more than thirty minutes.    
           Jean Pierre’s mosaic creations are exquisite, and the hard work that goes in to his pieces are definitely reflected in the price tag.  One table can go for around 10,000 euros alone.  He has made a name for himself in the celebrity world, producing work for Sandra Bullock, Russell Crowe, and the band U2.  He has also created chapel doors that are proudly displayed in Savannah.   I knew he honestly threw his heart and soul into his creations when he said he would hide ancient roman coins underneath their surfaces to seal the luck of the table.  I believe only genuine craftsmen like this man go the extra step for the integrity of their artwork.
            Our field trip came to a close after espresso and pastries on the terrace of his adorable little home.  As the fog was absorbed by the intense sunshine, we sped back to the homey life I have found in Lacoste.  Although this place lacks the aspects of Paris I loved the most: lively 24-hour cafes, never-ending streets, and iconic landmarks overtaken by large crowds, there is something comforting about the simplicity of Lacoste that I have grown to adore.  I have never felt so certain that I am in the right place at the right time, living out a life that I thought only existed in dreams.   

~Peace & Cupcakes~

The master himself!
A work in progress, each piece has been placed upside down.

Forming tiny tiles by hand. 

Our drive back to Lacoste.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting!, and the artwork looks very cool. Great overall entry!


Anonymous said...

Kelsey, that is so interesting!!!!! I love that he hides a coin in his work!! His work kind of reminds me of Lola on the Fourth. His pieces are just gorgeous!!! I am so glad that you got to go there. And I thought it was neat that he served refreshments too! Wonderful writing!

Anonymous said...

My dearest Kelsey......again I am SO So thrilled to read your writings!!!!! I do not have the words to express all the beautiy you are describing and then showing in the photos~~~~ Keep it up and I will expect a lovely book soon!!!!! A best seller for sure!

Missing you!!!!!1 Many Many Hugs to my adoreable Kelsey!! God Bless you and keep you safe...
