Sunday, July 3, 2011

Celebrating America in southern France

     Today was the perfect day to take advantage of the amazing sunshine by going canoeing on the Sorgue river. 49 students loaded the bus to the nearby waters to have a mini celebration of July 4th a day early. There wasn’t an imperfection in the sky, and I was on cloud nine. I was pumped to apply my legit canoeing skills that I have gained over the past several summers at Camp Lake Stephens. The practice really came in handy as my friends I were dodging tons of drooping branches and hefty logs. The water of the Sorgue river were crystal clear all the way down to the perfectly smooth rocks resting at the bottom. Our guide told us that the deepest depths of the river were a chilly 13 degrees Celsius (I think about 54 degrees.) Even the local horses were taking a break from the sun and splashing around at the edges of the river. By the time the 2-hour canoe trip was complete, I had built up some serious adrenaline. Our 4th of July fun was not finished until we had a bus wide sing-a-long to YMCA, an American classic! I really enjoyed our simple celebration, and I could not have asked for a more positive experience to round out my first week here in France.

 ~Peace & Cupcakes~


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!!!! That camp experience did come in handy around the world. Love you!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! looks amazing! I can just see you in the canoe!!!!! I know you had a blast and looks like all did!!!!!

Happy 4th to you!!!!

Keep the photos coming........enjoying it all!!!!
