Monday, August 8, 2011

Roussillon: Ochre Quarry

     The cool breeze blowing across the hills of southern France made the morning absolutely pleasant, and the wind carried a scent of damp green trees that was all too familiar.  It provided a sense of comfort as our Treasure’s class made its way to the Luberon ochre hills.  This site was once excavated for ochre pigment but has since become a conservation area welcoming thousands of tourists each year.  The footpath is dotted with halts where information accompanies the magic of the place, and I learned that a former sea bonded the ochre into a now magnificent landscape.  The large walls of cascading colors contained every possible shade of warm pigment.  The stripes of ochre hidden in the intimidating chunks of earth became a piece of natural artwork in my mind.  Ochre quarries just like this directly inspired famous artists like Cezanne.  No wonder he was a master of his craft: it’s hard not to find inspiration when immersed in such beautiful scenery.  I could have spent some of my time exploring the little town beside the quarry, but a friend and I decided to bask in the wonders of these unique hills, soaking in the splendor of this beautiful place.  As we rested on a spiraling wooden bench, we were surrounded on the left by towering powdered clay shrines while rolling mountains that seemed to reach the clouds lay on our right.  Cities and towns can be found all over the world, but these rustic treasures of France are what I will miss the most.  The colors were simply nuts, and I found absolute relaxation in the wonders of this breath-taking quarry.  

~Peace and Cupcakes~


Anonymous said...

Really Really Amazballs!!! , the pictures are great and it sounded like a great adventure!


Anonymous said...

My dearest Kelsey!

Again I look at all your writings and photos and they take my breath away!!!!!!

Each day I think well that was the best and then.........

Such a beautiful beautiful area.........God's handiwork is everywhere!!!!

I am already excited for your upcoming trip to London! I feel sure you will love it as Grandpa and I did!!!

Many many hugs to you!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Your descriptions make me want to be there!! Love you!