Friday, August 19, 2011

Final Preparations

     A countdown to the end of my summer quarter has officially begun.  I only have twelve days remaining before I am abducted by a plane bound for the US.  Final papers and projects have all been assigned, and the natural stresses associated with the end of the quarter are in full swing.  While I should be focusing on all of this work that needs to be completed, I can't help but continuously reflect on my summer here in France.  I can indubitably say I have lived and studied in Europe, a phrase that I never dreamed would exit my lips.  I have roamed every nook and cranny of southern France, scaled the steepest heights of Paris, and have fallen in love with every inch of London.  So many things have changed in such a short time, and my visions for the future have been tremendously fueled by all of these priceless adventures.  I am having a difficult time reminding myself that my time here is not yet complete: so much can and will happen in these final days.  I have twelve days left to absorb the breathtaking scenery that surrounds me from all sides, and twelve days remaining to fill my lungs with this sweet French air that has taken over my soul.  Twelve days to strengthen the deep bonds I have formed with my extraordinary friends that will soon be absent from my everyday life.  Twelve days to seize the day; to seize a moment; to seize the night.  I have not yet finished my collection of memories: there is still so much to see and do.  I desperately desire to hold on to every moment of this summer.  These are the best days of my life- treasures that I will possess forever.  

~Peace & Cupcakes~
My first Lacoste sunrise 
August 18, 2011


Anonymous said...

Again My Dearest Kelsey...........beautiful beyond words!!!!!!!!! As I read all your writings, tears flow down.........very emotional!!!!

Blessings to you as you finish up your final days!!!!

Look forward to each and every posting!!!!! Photos!!!!

Luv and Many Hugs

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sunrise!!! You still have time for more memories!! Remember to dance! Love you and can't wait to see you in 12 days!

Anonymous said...

It really has been "The Summer of a Lifetime"!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Kelsey.........enjoying all the sunsets AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Love you.......G'ma

Dad was upset I was claling myself Grams because he said he named me G'ma!!!! SO funny.......I don't care what they call that little punkin Nora and waiting for little Emily to arrive in this family!!!!

G'ma or Grams or Grandma or Gramma Mary or whatever!!!!!!!!! l0l