Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Final Goodbye

         The transition back to America was almost too easy; it felt like I had never even left home to begin with. My life just seamlessly picked up where it had left off, and continued as if nothing had ever happened, as if the most amazing summer of my life never even existed.  Yet the memories I formed in France have not stopped racing through my mind.  I cannot forget how I was just surrounded by an indescribable surplus of beauty, where the sky contained at least a dozen different colors at any given moment. I cannot forget about the fact I just survived a summer without AC or ice cubes, luxuries of our western society that beforehand I had taken for granted.  I cannot forget how France made me take risks and step outside my comfort zone. I cannot forget the nights I spent roaming Provence and going on exciting and somewhat dangerous adventures.  I cannot forget about all of the dreams I formed for my future, and how simply being there seemed to magically and tremendously fuel my imagination.
         I realize that it would be unhealthy to keep wishing that I could teleport myself back to Lacoste and relive the whole experience all over again.  That simply cannot and will not ever happen.  Somehow though, I have managed to become completely satisfied with simply cherishing the beautiful moments that happened to me in such an unforgettable place.  This summer was a gift from God, a defining point in my life that I am forever grateful for.  I selfishly wish Lacoste could solely be mine; however, it’s time for me to give it up to the next group of students that are about to embark on some of the greatest adventures of their lives.  The time has come for me to say goodbye to a summer of simple living, a summer of memories, a summer of no regrets, and the summer of my lifetime. 

~Peace & Cupcakes~

Megan Mosholder's incredible wrapped rock installation. 

Sold some photographs :)

Mal and I
French Modernism wall!
The highlight of meals. You don't even know.

My home for a summer.
Hot date with Laurel!
Chateau at night.

Sunrise crew.
Chateau at sunrise.
My final Lacoste sunrise.